St. Patrick's Day Sale! Additional 30% off Sale Bin. Select Super Bulky and Kits 40% off. Discount applied at checkout. St. Patrick's Day Sale! Additional 30% off Sale Bin. Select Super Bulky and Kits 40% off. Discount applied at checkout.


541 US Route 1
Freeport, Maine 04032

Contact us
Google Maps +

Mo, Tu, Th, Fr, Sa - 10am to 5pm
Wed - 10am to 6pm
Closed Sunday

You also may order online, by phone, or email.

Tuesday: 10am - 12pm
Wednesday: 5pm – 7pm
Free and open to all!



Mother of Purl Yarn Shop is conveniently located on Rt 1, just 1.5 miles south of LLBean. We share our entrance with the Econo Lodge. Watch for the Freeport Plaza sign and the big YARN SHOP sign on our roof diagonally across from Buck's Naked BBQ and Cuddledown!  Use exit 20 off Route I-295, then turn onto Route 1 south. We are on the left, enter at the Econo Lodge.

NOTE: Some GPS devices will try to send you down Pine St. Do NOT take Pine St!

Do you need to make a return? Click here to see our Return Policy.

Visit Us

541 US Route 1
Freeport, Maine 04032

Contact us
Google Maps +

Mo, Tu, Th, Fr, Sa - 10am to 5pm
Wed - 10am to 6pm
Closed Sunday

You also may order online, by phone, or email.

Tuesday: 10am - 12pm
Wednesday: 5pm – 7pm
Free and open to all!

Email Us

Have an idea, question or need something special ordered? Drop us an email. We love to hear from our customers.