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Freeport, Maine 04032

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How to Slow Down a YouTube Video

If you're getting frustrated by the speed of a video and you're wishing there was a slow motion version, then follow the easy steps below to learn how to change the speed on any YouTube video!

Step 1:

Hold your cursor over the video until the menu on the bottom pops up.
Then click on the settings icon (circled in blue below).

Step 2:

Select "Playback speed" in the pop up menu (circled in blue below)

Step 3:

You now have 4 options for slower playback speed. A little slower (0.75x), half the speed of the original (0.5x), and much slower (0.25x), all of which are circled in blue. The last option is to click on Custom (in the green box), which will give you more control.

Step 4: (optional)

If you want to use the custom speed control simply toggle the dot to the left until you reach your desired speed. 

Note: you will need to change Playback speed back to Normal or 1x speed when you are finished or it will alter your settings on all videos you watch in the future!